No, there is no danger that we might switch over to
the microscopy of buoys, instead we will stay in touch with the maritime tardigrades directly below the buoys.
We had been showing a few total views in the previous issue of our e-zine.
And we had pointed out by means of a video clip that there is some inner trouble
within the Florarctus males: they appear to be steaming with sexual
We have come across the following quotation from the internet which is able
to point out that some biological questions remain to be solved in this area:
"The male reproductive system in all tardigrades seems to be relatively simple.
The single testis is located dorsally and the two seminal vesicles open
latero-ventrally via two seminal ducts in an oval gonopore papilla (in heterotardigrades)
or in the cloaca (in eutardigrades). Penile structures have never been found in any male tardigrade,
and it is still uncertain how the sperm transfer occurs. However, it seems that
some females have structures that can be inserted into the male so that the female
can actively grab the sperm. This method of sperm transfer is very unusual in the animal