As promised we will present two time lapse video clips featuring
the hatching process of echiniscus tardigrades - as far as we know these
are unique and unequalled in the internet!
The tardigrade babies would be almost visible with the bare eye
as their body length of about 0.1 mm is similar to the optical resolution
of the human eye. But, of course, this would mean a red dot or
a single tardigrade pixel - no detail. Even with subdued light and
with a rather big water volume in the micro aquarium we can see much
more by means of our microscope.
The youngsters are very lively already in their first minute; they resemble
their parents closely. But the young echinisci have only two claws on each
leg whereas the adults have four. After their first moulting the young
tardigrades receive their complete set of four legs.
If you should be among our new readers you might want to have a glance
now at our magazine issues featuring young and
senile tardigrades .